Name: Christian Barnard
history: his full name is Christian. นีธ monkey Barnard was born on November 8.1922 he was born and raised in a small town. One of the named Bo Fort west of Cape Town, located in the south of South Africa, the father is named Adam Hendrick Barnard, a pastor, preacher of the church. The mother name is Maria.De Stuart, as organist in the church and a maid child rearing, family Christian Barnard, a white African descended from Dutch. His family is a big family. He has brothers were all together.People, but the tragedy happened with the family when Abraham. His brother died due to heart disease since was only 5 years old.Barnard. Choose a career as a surgeon and cardiologist. He studied medicine at the University of Cape Town when throughout the year.He was a medical student. 1940 plain full of perseverance persevere in learning. And have to work hard to bring money to spend in vain he graduated Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of surgery in London1946 after studying all 6 years after graduation, Christian Barnard started working เป็นแพทย์ trainee at the hospital I ตชื. Where he married his first wife. And the things happened between working there.The patient was sent to treat a baby male patients with heart can never be cured. Later, the baby girl died. He foresaw the importance to have surgery to treat the heart disease by using the change in heart surgery.Prof.1956 Dr. Christian Barnard scholarships for 2 years. To study the blood vessels and heart surgery at the University of Minnesota, USA.During that time he is assistant researcher working in the heart-lung machine with Professor wa เกนส foot. The specialist surgery.He saw the benefits of using the heart-lung machine in operation. And the concept that if can transplant. Why can't a transplant, then another 3 years.In C.Prof.1962 he was appointed as associate professor of the Department of surgery of the University of Cape Town. The next year, he is widely known as a surgeon specialist treatment of the heart.He lead the way for open heart surgery, and other treatment methods to treat patients in hospitals. At the same time the transplant of animals of various kinds. The dog was for many years.But survived. Even though his condition is in that moment in time. His heart condition, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, kidney and liver was going to attack, swelling in the legs, expected to live only 2-3 only a week.2. Is lying to death. To choose to risk the heart transplant at the doctor who operated on guarantee The percentage of survival in this patient 80% chose finally opt for surgery
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