Steam iron repair Iron Stream Today leading the way at steam iron repair guys. THA, experimental repair it again but must have a basic knowledge of electrical?! "If you do it according to the wave since the. The first few articles I teach?. Today, there are enough good steam iron down let's lose lol. How to check the basics! Bring the meter set to kinda tap Rx10 with PCR amplification of irons and switch to the best photos! The needle of the meter must be raised here. If not up. First thing, check out the iron cord. Part of this character, I don't check up Center Mie needles and wires do not lack guys had to demolish the guys. This image, I opened the back cover comes off. What are the three guys in blue is a N L a Brown line and the green line is the Earth lol. This image is a switch, adjust the heat must be removed, guys. This version to remove the steam switch off before removing the cover not the hop. Unplug the steam switch off and will see one screw collar guys. Decoded successfully, lol. Then unplug the iron head screw out! Each version may not be the same! This image, removing the top cover off, guys. This is a series of hot plate lol. Here's a heat controller lol. This is a position the wire heat lol. Using a meter set meter needle set check Rx10 guys? does that lol. Hair irons Symptoms of hot guys. Caused by fire, not into guys because this falls guys, controlling the heat lose lol. The repair guys use now. Hope has the knowledge! If there is no fundamental electrical do not repair it. Danger guys, a repairman.
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