5. Identification of bacteria digested with primers specific
to Gram-negative bacteria that has been proven to be a disease of paragraphs 1 and 3 species Bio- PCR technique using bacteria Pantoea ananatis pv. ananatis from. Department of Plant Pathology and stock culture. Research, development, crop protection Department of Agriculture as isolates compared. Using primers specific area ITS region of P. ananatis (PanITS sn2b 5 'GTCTGATAGAAAGAAAAGAAG3' and PanITS As2b 5 'TTCATATCACCTTACCG
GCGC3 ') (Coutinho et AL., two thousand and two) by reacting in a total volume of 25 l (DNA 25 ng. , dNTPs 1 mM, Taq DNA polymerase enzyme 1 unit, MgCl2 2.5 mM, such primers 1 μM, 10X PCR buffer 2.5 μl distilled water and autoclaved) set of primers, the PCR reaction.
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