Dormitory regulations.1. closed at 22.00 pm dormitory and opening hours 05.30 p.m.2. access time 22.00 pm each time you will need to close the door and lock the padlock.3. lock the motorcycle wheel every time I park the car wheel lock that story for a dormitory provided.4. the five leading third party access in the halls after 22.00 hrs.5. do not send the noise from other rooms.6. do not take illegal drugs and drunk into a dormitory area.7. the ban on gambling in the room.8. in cases where parents or relatives are staying temporarily with the need to let the Manager know every dormitory.9. do not use near the Carnival parties.10. do not bring animals, Li Yong came in the dorm.11. do not stick or nail stickers, pictures in the room if the damage through a dormitory will be charged 50 baht per point.12. the tenant will be required to maintain the cleanliness of the room itself.13. the tenant must take care of the front of the room, cleanliness and litter into the trash at the dormitory provided.14. in the case of a tenant's room was damaged from the tenant themselves must. Notice to prospective tenants are required to pay for the damage or repair themselves.15. in order to pay for the room must not exceed 5 date of every month if it exceeds the prescribed time period the dormitory 50 baht per day.16. in the event that the tenant will move out notice in advance of 1 month, and must be clean, neat, otherwise will be charged 500 Baht to clean.Note: in cases where the tenant's property damaged or lost due to non-compliance-tenants of official dormitory dormitory is not responsible for damage reparation. In any
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