นปริมณฑลยุคไบเบิลเก่า.......>>>>>.คนไม่มาก......... การสื่อสารจากเบื้อ การแปล - นปริมณฑลยุคไบเบิลเก่า.......>>>>>.คนไม่มาก......... การสื่อสารจากเบื้อ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


คนไม่มาก......... การสื่อสารจากเบื้องบนใช้วิธีแทบจะเรียกว่า "ตาต่อตา...ฟันต่อฟัน"

ทรงเปลี่ยนวิธีการสื่อสารกับมนุษย์เสียใหม่ คราวนี้ทรงให้ "พระเยซู" มาดำเนินการแจ้งกฏหรือพระประสงค์ที่ชัดเจนขึ้นต่อการแสวงหาดินแดนแห่งอุดมคติ.........
ยุคนี้เรียกยุคพระคุณ คือ ใช้ความรักความเมตตา ไม่ใช้การลงโทษที่รุนแรง ฉับพลัน ให้เกิดความกลัวต่อไปอีก แต่ให้มนุษย์เป็นผู้เลือกที่จะเชื่อหรือไม่เชื่อก็ได้ต่อภารกิจของพระเยซู......คือ......วิถีชีวิตของพระเยซูนั่นเอง.......... เป็นข่าวสารที่พระเจ้าองค์เดิมนั่นแหละต้องการบอก........
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Noprimonthon Bible age old ....... >>>>>.People are not so much with a grain of salt. The communication method is almost called "an eye for an eye tooth ..." Over time, when history becomes .......... ............. >>>>> ....... lesson is to know the figure has increased grain of didn't need to communicate directly, but before ...........With what God has shown that seemed in the original Bible age kotkatika ........ or the law has become a reflection of the desire of the future that will have a pretty good life-is correct. Later, in the era of the new Bible ....... >>>>>.He changed the method of communication with the human waste. This time, he, "Jesus" is an action kotrue wants clearer towards the pursuit of an ideal land of grain.This era is called the grace period is used to love mercy. Do not apply sudden severe sanctions caused further fear, but the men who choose to believe it or not believe it has the Mission of Jesus ...... is that Jesus ' life ...... .......... The news is the same God that I felt like I was on the outside ........ But to change the format type from the past a tool ........** It is similar to the nature of the people we have found both ........ power and aspects of mercy-warm .**.....
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Perimeter of the Bible ....... >>>>> old.
I did a lot ......... Communication from the above method could be called. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ..."
over time, become history .......... .......
...... >>>>> human studies. ...... I know it is not necessary to communicate directly increase ......... ........... but before
that what God was manifest in the period. ........ the Bible has become a rule or law that reflects the will of the future to have a good life - is that later in the Bible, New ...... . >>>>>. maketh a way to communicate with human waste. This gave "Jesus" to notify law or the will to clear up the pursuit of the ideal land ......... this era is called the grace of compassion. Do not use harsh punishment to sudden fears of another. But the people who choose to believe or not believe it is the mission of Jesus ...... ...... .......... life of Jesus itself That is the message that God wants to say ........ but change the style of the former type Warnock ........ ** It is similar to the nature of our people .. ...... with both sides of the use of power and of love - warm. ** .....

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
On the perimeter, the Bible old... > > > > >.
no more... To...? Communication from the above method was called "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".
when time passes... To... Be history...

... > > > > > human lessons... Make metacognition can increase. --...No need to communicate directly, as before......
what God has shown to manifest in the Bible the original... Has become rules or laws that reflect his desire to have a better life for the future of beauty - the right.

.Later in the Bible New... > > > > >.
change his communication with human waste. This time he "Jesus" to perform notification rule or the will clear up to seek the land of ideals......
.This era called the grace is to use the love, kindness, don't use the severe penalties for sudden fear again. But the man who choose to believe it or not on the mission of Jesus... Is...The life of Christ itself......). Is the news that same God to tell...?

but change from the past type upside down....
* * it is similar to the nature of man...With the use of power and the requirements of Mercy - warm. * *...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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