Strategic objective behavior (Behavioral Objectives).After studying at the end of this lesson. Students will be able to: (After studying chapter, you will be able to) 1. explain the meaning of the system. 2. the characteristics of the system. 3. divide the elements of the system. 4. the classification of the system. 5. the levels of the system user. 6. the Board held workshop on "elements of the system."7. a discussion workshop "classification system". 8. explain the terminology has 12 words. Chapter 1 system (System)The meaning of the system (System)Before analyzing the system should understand and know what is system to systems that mean? Is there a component or element that contains a system?, which is a removal system, and the meaning of multiple meanings. Is as follows:System (System) The Royal Institute dictionary based 2525 (1982), meaning that the system is a mess regarding the inclusion of things that look complicated to weld sequence is the same as the main reason for technical or natural phenomenon, which is meant to have a relationship with a compatible and coordinated.System (System) is a process that is in the same network and have the relationship between those processes and connect together to work toward one goal.System (System) is a group of components that work together to aim.And so, to understand the meaning of the system that needs to be done to understand the nature of the analysis.Characteristics of the system. The system is similar to know and study the following:The system means the inclusion of smaller related stuff from one or more units for the same purpose or the same purpose, such as public land system consisting of various ministries and the solar system (Solar System).The system refers to a system of organization that is composed of many smaller systems and systems work together, which would require either a performance for the benefit or purpose, such as sharing or school system. System system system for banking companies, hospitals, shops, etc.The work of the various sub-divisions of the system. It must have involved coordinated. With the purpose or the intention or the same as in one organization may be divided into several departments, with each department or Division or each Department will be responsible for coordinating the work of friends of the same purpose.The system may also be classified in a separate category, one or more of the categories for this, but anyone who recognizes and peng made the resolution should break or should be treated as such a system is open or closed systems. Half, machine or system of systems, machinery, etc. The elements of the system. To say or describe the elements of the system that contains what is based on the opinions of people who are related to the system which are not identical but have already always divide by thang element, there are two major elements are.1. the element 6 M is a Man, Money, Material, Machine, Management, and Morale as follows.1.1 Man refers to people who must be related to a system or means that everyone associated with the system may consist of various levels of management, which includes senior executives. Intermediate level, and may consist of academics in various levels, but it will count the customers or consumers. Which is not the least important of the system or the best, but scholars of the administrative decision.1.2 Money refers to money or property that has a value system that is at the heart of the system, such as major capital circulating cash money or cash price revenue, these expenses, etc. If the triangulation is not good enough. The system will inevitably experience difficulties, or even as part of its downfall. Therefore, all types of business systems will need to be careful of is special.1.3 Material means the goods or materials used in the production of goods, which is one of the important elements of the system, not less. The problem in the subject Material or item, and this material has two major.1.3.1 first, as a material shortage, such as lack of raw materials for use in the production of industrial goods. When the lack of raw materials used in production, the items are not for sale as a loss.1.3.2 Secondly, there is much demand for raw materials, such as the items are sold or not for sale too. Make capital sank with raw materials cause loss as well.1.4 Machine refers to machinery equipment and machine tools used in the factory or in the Office, which is considered to be the element that creates a problem, with one significant example is the same system. The problems that result in the greatest gains or losses of the business, often caused by machinery and equipment, working mostly with insufficient capacity. Old or recent era is making a high-maintenance free. There are fewer production efficiency. In the work, but low maintenance expenses or working late. Not assigned work. Cause damage and lack of income or loss, etc.1.5 Management refers to the management of the system, which is another story, one that makes the system a problem due to bad management or non-management information, change of environment, or not to change the society. Economy and politics, also known as lokanuwat or does not conform to the ineffective management. Administration, which most often occur in the public system. For the business system of private management is considered as the most important, because if the business is not good management, it is not possible to live. Acts must be aborted.1.6 refers to the Morale and psyche of the people in the system, or refer to a person's values system, or more than, which is a core value of the people in the system who have the gift and the task force on efficiency and values of consumers or third parties that are relevant to the support system to FDA.
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