But this is a business, so special attention to query those chestnut franchise. But the price is higher than the power he had never asked for van rentals just roasted chestnut and build its own franchise and fren when a date he wants to sign a contract at a mall in chestnut trading. Before leaving the House, he heard the father say to a friend that "the ball is going to ua shop owner then", the term minimal shop owner heard it means that is the source of the name "little" seaweed shop owner today. Millionaire a hundred million It takes just a little chestnut pikwa fren shop owner has expanded more than 30 franchise branch, and when he saw that his fren many franchise sales. He is thought to additional items, so try to bring something else to put on sale in a shop in peach and dried longan chestnut algae but the top item in the back is not a chestnut, but becomes crispy seaweed, that is the inspiration that makes him want to do business in the seaweed snack branded "taokaenoi" seriously.
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