Risking Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil. The fir การแปล - Risking Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil. The fir อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Risking Two seeds lay side by side


Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.

The first seed said, "I want to grow I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me....I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring....I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals."
And so she grew.
The second seed said, "I am afraid. If send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts.....what if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe."

And so she waited.
A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.

Moral of the story
Those of us who refuse to risk and grow
get swallowed up by life.

Patty Hansen
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.

the first seed said, "i want to grow i want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above. me .... i want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring .... i want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals."
And so she grew.
The second seed said," i am afraid. if send my roots into the ground below, i don't know what i will encounter in the dark. if i push my way through the hard soil above me i may damage my delicate sprouts ..... what if i let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? and if i were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. no,.it is much better for me to wait until it is safe. "

and so she waited.
a yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.

moral of the story
. those of us who refuse to risk and grow
get swallowed up by life.

patty hansen.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.

The first seed said, "I want to grow I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me....I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring....I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals."
And so she grew.
The second seed said, "I am afraid. If send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts.....what if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe."

And so she waited.
A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.

Moral of the story
Those of us who refuse to risk and grow
get swallowed up by life.

Patty Hansen
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

Risking Two seeds lay side by side in the spring fertile soil.

The first seed said, "I want to grow I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me .... I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring .... I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals."so she grew And
The second seed said, "I am afraid. If send my roots into the ground below, don' T know what I I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts ..... what if I let my buds open and tries to eat them a snail And? If were to open my I blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground.No,It is much better for me to wait until it is safe." "so she waited And

A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground waiting for food found the seed and promptly ate it.

Those Moral of the story of us who refuse to risk and grow
get swallowed up by life.

Patty Hansen
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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