Soccer football many Thai people know for a long time. But many people still don't care much. Although the dream of the Thai football fans is to see the football to go to the world cup, since in the past.But time 5 years. Changes and dream of fans, which began to appear!
.)2549 soccer football have been full of the field, the only national team. The series of children อายุลดลง. People most often as parents. Parents and friends of the players only and the weaving ability continuously.But at present, the club has developed various in charge since childhood. The ability of children more and more serious and well taken care of, resulting in a physical body. Bigger, this point is from the establishment of the domestic leagueThere is also a player who 12 to look like crammed, or perhaps a full court, which before the year 49 that there is no way that children will come to set this much
.5 years after this, which develop as the leap. Which may develop faster than Japan or South Korea football powers. After having established leagues in the country.Since the series 12 years 16 years 19 years, the national team. It is accepted by the powers of Asia until the ball, or even a team from the club). ก็พิ proves the country power soccer Asia. Many countries. Don't underestimate the team from Thailand.Another 3-5 years Thai to rival the greatest, of course, only to have the development and support of adults in the nation, and the player who 12
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