2. The causes resulting from being cheated!At present, there are vendors, food products, snacks, drinks some drug use or mixed into ในสิน trade sale. So that the buyer is to eat what caught, wanted to buy to eat more, which in this case.Feel that self is caught drugs up. Just know that want to eat snacks or drink bought from the store. To know when their own guilt
.Observation on needs to buy food from the shop to eat or when symptoms are severe addictive and healthy to deteriorate
3. The causes resulting from illness! 1.People with physical illness symptoms occur because of various causes, such as severe injury, chronic wounds, has the pain!Regularly, have some identification, etc., have been suffering a lot or regularly tries to seek ways to help themselves out of the suffering that one way to do it is easy.Which is not a treatment that cause illness. Only suppress pain away or decrease the moment. When a drug is over back pain. Patients can use drugs that when doing this for a long time.2.A heart is not normal, such as anxiety, worry, stress, disappointment in life, grief sad, etc., make the mental state is usually caused by mental illness.But do not treat the cause when the drug wears off, the mind will return stress, and patients will do what drugs, if do this!Around, will make those addicts eventually
3.To buy medicine to eat it without knowing the properties of the real drug doses should be eating. Exceeded the medication than prescribed. Eating some kind of overdose. Or eat those consecutive years.Or sometimes cause addictive drugs that
4. Other causes to near a source of sale or near sources or a vendor or manufacturer. Therefore, the opportunity on addictions that more people
.When a close friend or brother addicted to narcotics. He would see how drug of those close to keep the mind sees his behavior with and may also receive instructions or the influence of drug users. It is likely to stick to it!1.Some people in the condition with issues such as unemployment, poverty, the cost increase with reduced or that debt, etc. when solve problems These little not turned to use drugs to help relaxing feel.Despite knowing that is already
.However, such as depression owed people, go eating, drinking or smoking marijuana to drunk to's. ืม about debt. Some people want more income by working hard, and much more.Etc. if always do addictive drugs that
.2. Imitation to see who their intimate intimacy? A friend so that it is worth a chic is the same. It was used the drugs that are
3.Some people have hope in your own life, disappointed in the family life, or down in the social life, in order to self or others. Therefore irony to use drugs and addiction. In spite of the note that is a bad thing.
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