2522 (1979) Port fc. grab triple champion for the second consecutive year. Defending champions cup A, grab champion cup B and grab champion football Queens Cup is the 3rd consecutive year. ด้วยการเสมอ ออร์กัสเฟิร์ส
2522 (1979) Port fc. grab triple champion for the second consecutive year. Defending champions cup A, grab champion cup B and grab champion football Queens Cup is the 3rd consecutive year.Always first with okat
2522 (1979) Port fc. Grab triple champion for the second consecutive year. Defending champions cup A, grab champion cup B and grab champion football Queens Cup is the 3rd consecutive year. With the tie. Orkut's First.
2522 (1979) Port FC. Grab triple champion for the second consecutive year. Defending Champions Cup A grab champion, cup. B and grab champion football Queens Cup is the 3rd consecutive year.By always ออร์กัสเฟิร์ส.