We are children of God. God, we sang through his words. So when we sinned against him. He sent Jesus to take our sins, he came to be born in the womb of Mary with Saints by Mrs. Sanders reef. We have an individual who is a brother of Jesus, we must have the respect of Mrs. Marimueanmae. Give our lives to God's mother to ask for help from God to us sinners and God help us project kot. Therefore, our sins, Jesus was taken. We love the Lord Jesus because Jesus teaches us to be good people, but what we do teach as well. When we die we shall go to heaven to close with him.Like c, Simeon and Ana waiting the birth of Jesus. We have to give everything in their lives to God, such as happiness and suffering, we must pray always exposed, mini fridge, Vana. เมื่, we are happy, we do not forget the Lord.
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