1. Root (Roots) occurs at the base of the base of the stem is fatigue system rootlets
2. Dare tree (oil palm tree) is Stem fatigue vessel upright image cylinder. The apical meristem is (apical meristem) is the top of the singles cone
3.The leaves (Leaves) leaves of palm leaves a feather (pinnate) consists of a leaf, petiole and core small blade
4.The inflorescence (Inflorescences) palm self-incompatible. Female and male flowers flowers bouquet of flowers within separate same tree (monoecious) pollination wind and insects as carrier. Especially oil palm weevil (Elaeidobius kamerunicus)
5.Bunch (bunch) oil palm bunch include stem bunch bouquet bunch digest and the
6.Results (fruit) oil palm fruit is the stem (sessile drup) shape has many. Since the sharp to ovate or oval shape, consisting of outer shell surface (exocarp), shell (mesocarp).Oil palm fruit color 2 classification model is the colour of the raw green. When cooked, turn orange (virescens) and ผลดิ around black. When cooked, turn red. (nigrescens)
.7. Seeds (seeds) seeds of palm oil has the characteristics of strong, consisting of the shell (endocarp) and meat.
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