Ministry of energySubject criteria and how to provide liability insurance as required by law.From the disaster caused by the control category 3 operations.2557 (2014)Live, Ana 57 article operates by rules of the Ministry of finance, the primary means of criteria check box. Methods and criteria.About permissions and fees concerning its affairs more fuel.2556 (2013) as in control of the creative act, it fuels 2542 (1999) which amendments by.More it Control Act (volume 2)-fuel 2550 (2007) Energy Minister.Issue published the following:Verse 11This announcement, coming into force since the day after the day published in the Government Gazette.2 in the text."License" means the license control category 3 operations in accordance with the rules of the Ministry of.Check the primary criteria, methods and means of terms regarding notification and authorization fees on.The more it fuels business 2556 (2013)"Damage" means the individual or legal entity that has been damaged as.The body or property from fire or explosion resulting from the operations control category 3.But that does not mean including people in your family, or someone who is involved directly or indirectly of.The insured or the insured's employees while it is in the process of hiring or the person who, while in the accident.The task is in progress, the insured under the contract of employment or job training.Verse 3, licensee must provide liability insurance according to the law, as has been.Damage from fire or explosion resulting from the operations control category 3.Establish liability insurance required by law due to its control of the creative business.There were money to the insured for the damage that has occurred at a time for death. Permanent complete disability.Or medical expenses and damage to the property of persons who have been damaged at least were. Any of the following:(1) it's more stock funds were insured, 0, 25 0 baht.(2) keep it creative? The three styles were the insured amount 1, 500, 0 baht.(3) service stations, or category (b) category is more for it were insured amount 2, 0, 0 baht.(4) service stations more it category. C the second style were the insured amount, 0, 0 1 baht.(5) the service station of the second style in the village category more of it were insured amount of baht 500, 0.(6) the more it service station type f the insured finances were as the following:
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