(1) contains the dividend. Prohibit owners or occupiers of buildings Use of or consent to any person using the components.The various marks and the prohibition of those devices, or disclosure and easy to see who is close to the device.(2.) have a dividend, the owner of the building operation was only props are in safe condition, or?Be available within the time limit, but must not be less than thirty days. In this case, there is justification to expand local staff.Time to go out again, it.In the case of non-compliance of the local dividend under paragraph one, and if the device has resulted in the building.The State or the use that could be a serious danger to health. Life, body or property, local officer dividend. BanningUse all or part of the building beforehand and must provide the show banned them in the open and visible at.Building area or areas thereof.32 section 47 การสัง่ or notification of the local officer under this Act. In addition to the case in accordance with article 40 (2), and.Section 47 bis, made in writing sent by registered mail to the applicant permits. Licensed individuals under section39 bis owners or occupiers of buildings The operator or supervisor, as the case may be at the domicile of the or is saved.And, said person signed to acknowledge it.In the case of local staff may not be carried out by one paragraph announcement copy words or dividend.In the open and visible at the building or buildings that perform construction, modification, decommissioning move. Use or?Change of use and to obtain that license. Licensed user notification in accordance with article 39 bis owners or occupiers of buildings.The operator or supervisor. know the dividend or the notice, then upon expiration of seven days after the date has been declared closed.Such33 section 47 bis to dictate dividend of dividend, local officials suspended action in violation of the provisions of the.This Act forbids or allows the demolition of buildings, made in writing sent by registered mail to answer, who will need to receive a dividend. Such as atDomicile of the applicant and dividend announcements to be off them in the open and visible at the building or area with such action.And to those who will need to get a dividend. know the dividend, then after the expiration of three days from the date that such notices are turned off.Section 48 in the performance of duties under this Act. Local authority officers into the building or locationThe building has a justification, suspect violation or non-compliance with this Act. In the time between the sunrise to sunsetOr in the working hours of the place, and for this purpose, have the power to inquire into the facts or the dividend to show documents or other evidence that the.From people who are involved, or to work in that place.34, section 49, a local officer with power to appoint Government officials or local staff have the knowledge or qualifications.As prescribed in the ministerial regulations, employer or master inspection technicians.In the event that it is necessary or requested by the local staff. The Director-General of public works and town planning have the power.Appointment Engineer or architect is Mr. mechanic, in accordance with the criteria defined in the ministerial regulations.Section 35 49 bis in cases where there is construction, modification, decommissioning, or move the building contravenes the provisions of the.This Act. Local legislation or regulations issued under this Act and the local staff perform as.Section 40, 41 or 42, section to section, as the case may be, but does not have to follow the local officer's dividend and have.Suspect responsible for design and calculation of buildings or those responsible building design or a supervisor may be a jerk.Or participation in such acts, local officer let the person know, and such books provide evidence within thirty days from the date of receipt of notification. To prove that this is the action of others. If you cannot prove that it is the actions of others.Local officials continue to tell a person's name and actions such that it Board control Terminal note and notify the Council.The engineers and the architects Council to consider action in accordance with the law relating to architects and engineers.
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