อย่างที่ทราบกันดีอยู่แล้วว่าในการอบขนมglutenถือว่าเป็นสิ่งสำคัญในการที่จะทำให้เนื้อขนมมีความเหนียวและมีรูปร่างที่คงตัว แต่ถ้าบุคคลที่เป็น Coeliac Disease ก็ควรที่จะหลีกเลี่ยง โดยสามารถหันมาใช้ Other proteins and gums provide similar qualities.
As it known that in baking desserts gluten is considered important in order to make the consistency and texture has a fixed shape. But if the person is a Coeliac Disease should avoid. You can adopt Other proteins and gums provide similar qualities.
As you know full well that in the baking gluten is essential in order to make meat pastry toughness and shape stability. But if the person is Coeliac Disease should be avoided. The adoption Other proteins and gums provide similar qualities.
As you know already that in baking sweets gluten is considered important in order to make the meat snacks are sticky and shape. But if the person who is Coeliac Disease should be avoided by can be turned to Other proteins and gums provide.Qualities.