I understand that the length of time I tell you beyond your refund schedule. The reason that I say to you, but I don't understand how you can select items that are defective and missing. All at a price of £ 15 to me? (According to the picture I sent you)
I'm losing money all 225 lb low grades on the basis of the items that are sold are not
.However, even if you are not responsible for anything, but you know what you're doing with customers, it is something that is not good, and your company's work suggests. Although you will be glad to refund if item is not as satisfied. If so, your item, there are no quality. What do you want from the selection process, especially if your customers do not have access to the storehouse. So you don't tell us that you are honest.
Naenonwachancha, which do not return to your shopping
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