In the Pompidou building itself, there is an area that is easily adjusted to living represented by the color work is constant importance for building High Tect for this building, Rogers and Foster
.Use color to indicate the kind of pipes that are outside the building with the red, blue and white are the colors used, the color flag of France
' The position of the pipes and wiring, exterior, easy maintenance. Easy-to-construction
Create a sample architecture in High format there are several pieces of Tect, for example, in English a Foster Office in IBM
Hampshire (1971), another one of the Inmos Factory building was designed by Richard Rogers
Gwent (1982) as High this Tect is consistent with techno
.Lo-Yi and industrial advancement, as well as the computer world today. Using steel truss structure with pulling cable from your designs
Rogers is used in many designs, including the work of Michael Hopkins Research building at Schlumberger Institute
Cambridge (1984)
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