The milk is as follows:1. water is a medium, many types of nutrients in meltdown, consumed by infants or young children who have no teeth chew food.2. grease As usual, call the fat from milk, butter, it is an important component of economic power as well as nutritional and vitamin d, e and k. It is also an important factor used to determine the price of raw milk because of trading can be applied to the milk industry. The milk, a little fat. Compared to the bread. Soy milk powder or milk to drink, it's not meat to fat.3. protein. In almost all milk contains nutrients, protein called casein. Golden Bush Lin (globulin) Al (albumin), Bumi in rather high and have amino acids (amio acid) is 19, which are useful for creating a blood and bone tissue. There are also different types of enzymes.4. a compound containing nitrogen As usual, the milk will have mineral nitrogen is about 0.5 percent.5. lactose When it is, it becomes glucose (glucose) and galactose (galactose) Galactose is the sugar component of serene Bo rasai (cerebroside) which is found in the brain and the membranes that cover the nerve to endure the infants and children thus have lactose to take to the growth of the brain.6. vitamin In milk with vitamin b-1 (thiamine-thaiamine) b b b b 2 6 12 3 CDs and that help prevent scurvy paralysis skin diseases. Diseases of the bowel disease, tooth decay, etc.7. the minerals in milk Is potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, ash contains silicon, phosphorus, chloride, iron and iodine, copper concentrate?
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