Humans, frog, or Anencephaly, medical as well to understand that this is a serious disability, but a kind of birth. Caused by abnormal nervous system hose (Neural Tube Defect NTD:), which occurs in early pregnancy of approximately 3-4 weeks after fertilization of the egg and sperm. At this stage in the soft tissue, which will be divided into three layers. The tissue layers are split to create a nervous system, and brain. Typically, this class will divide the tissue cell in the body to roll back create a pipe, the nervous system (Neural Tube) came up before, which will develop into the spine and spinal cord following on this end of the pipe must be close together in order to develop a head and brain will be created and the next skull. But in the case of humans, frog, or the hose end of the Anencephaly close approach. Cannot create a development section of the skull and the brain completely.Frog man will no longer be part of the scalp skull. Big brain, brain and brain membrane, but there is still a part of the brain stem is just the thin membrane covering only. As a result, the baby does not have a big brain, which is part of the brain used to think and link the various parts of the brain work, the baby does not feel the invisible. Do not hear Do not feel pain, but can also breathe because there are also part of the brain stem, which is a part of the brain controlling breathing is enough.
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