Carbon dioxide gas When they get into the body in large amounts is harmful. In times past there was fuel in quantities that add up quickly. Minimize the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has a high volume, so that the broadcasters do, so the comparison study of the filter from the cellulose in the shell and peel a banana, Durian. To filter by using carbon dioxide gas, ethanol, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide in the extraction of cellulose and bring up the image as a filter and then apply to experiments by filter that has to be used as a conduit between the gas from the gas tank conveyor carbonic.Beaker of water filling into the nadaioksai to compare the values of pH and type 2 filter changes from clear lime water as the water filling and then apply clear lime water through carbon dioxide to filter, and then bake to remove sediment for comparison. Durian shell filter found effective filtering carbon dioxide gas over the banana peel from the filter.
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