The famous story of Okiku is derived from. Okiku is a maid at the mansion of the Japanese samurai Tessan Aoyama. Those who wish to overthrow the authority of the governor. Okiku accidentally hear incoming plans .She told her lover Because her lover is a military city officials . The plan of Aoyama was exposed And failed in the end. When Aoyama know Okiku is overheard about the plan. Aoyama was planning to kill her. Aoyama slander that Okiku She stole a priceless plate 1 leaves The set will have 10 cards with O Kikuyu were tortured to death. And was dropped into water bodies
In the present. The pond of Okiku is believed to live at the castle of Himeji .But there is another precedent is a garden pond in the country, The Embassy of Canada Tokyo, Originally as a land of clan Aoyama