How to perform any action in breach of violation of the person, or an action that is in the responsibility of the BU khokan, causing damage to someone else. Persons who have been damaged, so he likes to get a treat. By demanding compensation or claim to a breach of conduct or ignore in any other manner, but if, for example, Mr. loenloe, Mr. bump by careless driving. ข., or the State of intentional assault ข. like this. Mr. ข. has damaged property or body shall call Mr. g pay claims for damage incurred.But the victim in involuntary breach of the law is limited to cases only means that not all the cases, the victim of the actions of others are entitled to remedies such as Mr. grocery business is a 20-year time suburbs had to support his family happily.At any later Mr. ข. had come to open a large department store next to the shop of Mr. a. ever since. all clients of Mr. G went to order shop of Mr. ข. until Mr. A. may not open the next business because there are no customers at all. Mr. damage G is the lack of money ever received by regular khotlot dozens of years ago. Mr g did not claim that Mr. ข. the ultimate given. This behavior does not. In case of violation, because Mr. ข. competent action. What action will feature the lamoen. It will be indicated by the law. Explain in due course.
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