Muay Thai in style does not appear, and there is no any books written that occurs in any era, but the Thai boxing has appeared as has occurred for a long time, and may occur with Thai national. Because Thai Boxing Thai National Park, it is really difficult for us, other Nations imitators.Muay Thai in the past as far as I know, the practice in those among the soldiers, because in the past we have to hurl a Thai fighter and fight with the neighboring countries often. The fight only to have no guns to fight each other, but the two-sword hands and fingers only. When this occurs it is gushing battle combat at close range; Thai people believe that only combat with a sword as a battle that continued to gush too much, sometimes rival might easily come to our teeth. Thai people have practice pedal and kick an opponent to opponent to get tipsy and then we will have fun easier, make the opponent lose.Later, when the military has been in practice in the hands of the kick and then there are people think how to use the arts as a kick pedal for a fight with tools. Therefore, there must be people who think the martial training for show time with the flourish Festival, villagers, and is owned by the State for the villagers. When it is like this for a long time to. The villagers or Thai people has seen widespread and frequent kick pedal input. So the villagers have Thai boxing training together until the set is training a lot. But for Thai boxing training, it must be a named sword Bureau well before and has a good teacher trainer.ดังนั้นมวยไทยในสมัยนั้นจึงฝึกเพื่อความหมาย ๒ อย่างคือ๑. เพื่อไว้สำหรับสู้รบกับข้าศึก๒. เพื่อไว้ต่อสู้ป้องกันตัวในสมัยนั้นใครมีเพลงดาบดีและเก่งกาจทางรบพุ่งนั้นจะต้องเก่งทางมวยไทยด้วย เพราะเวลารบพุ่งนั้นต้องอาศัยมวยไทยเข้าช่วย ดังนั้นวิชามวยไทยในสมัยนั้นจึงมุ่งหมายที่จะฝึกฝนเพลงดาบและวิชามวยไทยไปพร้อมๆกันเพื่อที่จะรับใช้ประเทศชาติด้วยการเป็นทหารได้เป็นอย่างดี
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