Statue of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V)BangkokBeing so centrally located การแปล - Statue of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V)BangkokBeing so centrally located แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

Statue of King Chulalongkorn (Rama

Statue of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V)

Being so centrally located, the equestrian statue of King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) is well worth a visit. A forward thinking monarch, King Chulalongkorn is revered as the man who elevated Thailand’s status in the world by abolishing slavery and forming strong allegiances with the world’s then ‘superpowers’ - Britain, France, America and Russia. During his 42-year reign he travelled widely, forging strong ties with neighbouring countries and the royalty of Europe. Modern Thailand would probably look very different without his efforts on the world stage. However, the historical significance of this great man is only part of the reason for a visit to his statue. Another reason is his followers.

Over the years, many Thai’s respect for their former monarch has grown to a point where he is now the object of worship. There is a firm belief in the former king’s ability to bring good fortune, especially to those in business. Devotees place candles and incense sticks at the foot of the statue and leave gifts of flowers and brandy – the monarch’s favourite drink – in the hope their prayers will be answered. Tuesday (the day Chulalongkorn was born) sees most activity with countless people lost in prayer around the statue.

Details: The best time to witness this activity around the statue is early evening, just after dark.

How to get there: The statue is at the edge of Lumpimi Park, directly opposite Silom MRT station. The nearest BTS station is Saladaeng.

These buses will take you close to the park:

Bus number: 2, 25, 38, 40, 48, 93
Air-conditioned bus number: 1, 2, 8, 11, 13, 38
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]

Standbeeld van Koning Chulalongkorn (Rama V)
Bangkok wat so sentraal geleë, Die Equestrian standbeeld van Koning Chulalongkorn (Rama V) is die moeite werd 'n besoek. A vorentoe dink monarg, koning Chulalongkorn is vereer as die man wat Thailand se status in die wêreld verhef deur die afskaffing van slawerny en die vorming van 'n sterk oortuigings met die wêreld se dan 'supermoondhede' - Brittanje, Frankryk, Amerika en Rusland. Tydens sy 42-jaar regering het hy wyd gereis, bewerk sterk bande met buurlande en die koninklikes van Europa. Moderne Thailand sou waarskynlik baie anders lyk sonder sy pogings op die wêreld verhoog. Maar die historiese betekenis van hierdie groot man is net 'n deel van die rede vir 'n besoek aan sy standbeeld. Nog 'n rede is Sy volgelinge. Oor die jare, het baie Thai se respek vir hul voormalige Monarch gegroei tot 'n punt waar hy is nou die voorwerp van aanbidding. Daar is 'n sterk geloof in die vorige koning se vermoë om goeie geluk te bring, veral vir diegene in die besigheid. Aanhangers plaas kerse en wierook stokkies aan die voet van die standbeeld en laat gawes van blomme en brandewyn - die monarg se gunsteling drink - in die hoop om hul gebede sal beantwoord word. . Dinsdag (Die Dag Chulalongkorn gebore is) Sien meeste aktiwiteit met talle mense verlore in Gebed Rondom Die standbeeld Besonderhede: Die beste tyd om hierdie aktiwiteit rondom die standbeeld te getuig is Vroeë aand, net na donker. Hoe om daar te kom: Die standbeeld is op. die rand van Lumpimi Park, direk oorkant Silom MRT-stasie. Die naaste BTS Saladaeng Station is. Hierdie noue Busse sal jou na die park: Bus nommer: 2, 25, 38, 40, 48, 93 Airconditioning Bus: 1, 2, 8, 11, 13, 38.

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