This study was to study the effect of hormones on Sai Rock City's North by Infosys. (Metamorphosis) in tadpole frog
(H. rugulosus) and compare the results of Sai's Xin in different concentrations on the growth of tadpoles developed by New York while Infosys. Frogs from tadpoles into three groups, those who did not get breast Tri City. Sai Group's Xin 10-10 molar concentrations and the Sai Rock City 10-12 molar concentrations for 28 days showed that the Sai Rock City's North by Infosys. There was faster than those who did not get breast Tri City. The length of the front legs, back legs and became the first small group of adults who did not get breast Tri City. In the Sai Rock City 10-10 molar concentrations found its body length, tail length, and the length of the hind legs of frogs differ with those who did not get breast Sai Xin significantly important. In the Sai Rock City 10-12 molar concentrations found that the length of the tail. And weight differences with the group who did not get breast Sai Xin significantly important. Sai hormones stimulate breast Xin's terminal by Infosys. In amphibians The group of tadpoles who received Tri chest Xin will be processed according to the North's Infosys faster than those who did not get breast Tri City. The group received chest Sai Xin 10-12 molar concentrations are pleasing developments were processed by Kagame's Infosys
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