Biomass energy (Biomass Energy) is the energy accumulated in the creatures that we can use to work, such as tree branches, or scrap materials from agriculture or industry. Like chaff, straw, bagasse, sawdust, wood chips, bark, dung.
we use energy from biomass for a long time. Until now, it is also useful in the proportion is less. Especially in developing countries like Thailand rural areas are also used wood or coal to cook
.Biomass or biomass is organic and natural organic matter. These will keep accumulating energy in itself. Waiting time for we brought to produce energy.If the change we will not count as biomass. Because we do not count the oil or coal, that is life!
the sun, it is a source of energy storage instead in every aspect of the biomass energy, it is one of the renewable energy sources instead with origins from the sun
.At the beginning of the energy from plants or trees are the sun, The tree will take energy from sunlight to the
.We have heard about the synthesis system of trees. The leaves are changing sunlight, water and carbon dioxide by using the chlorophyll in the leaves (that เจ้าสี green in the leaves) as my big sugar. Or carbohydrate itself.Just change the energy from the sun. As a form of power bond Chemistry (Chemical-bond). A chemical bond is a mesh to anchor molecules or atoms of matter.It continues to accumulate in the pile of wood looking forward to release
.How to bring the biomass energy use simple. Is that we take the remains of trees and other debris Including the wastes from factories and from the farm to the biomass power plantThe energy accumulated in the biomass will change the style into heat energy. We bring the heat to boil water in the radiator and a large steam. The steam is used in rotating generator
.Biomass energy, not just the scrap wood to burn to produce energy for that matter. There are many ways that we can take advantage of us that the benefits to go;To produce electricity or used to cook. In some areas with large animals such as cattle or chickens in these will have information of many animals. We can use these data as a fertilizer and produce electricity.
.He suspected that the burning wreck wood will not cause carbon And the threat to the environment or actually burning wreck wood makes carbon accumulation in the pile of wood release.Carbon is released, it will be deeply accumulate collect into a tree. Lead circulating cycle of carbon Without it will not float to destroy the atmosphere
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