Now, he not only have a mess on the inside of his car, but the damage done to the front bumper accumulates for more then one thousand times the price of a cup of coffee.
Driving in general can be treacherous. Driving and having such a distraction as a cell phone at your ear, or ringing somewhere in your car, is ten times more dangerous. Not surprisingly, drivers who use a cell phone while driving perceive cell phone use by others as less of a threat to their safety as do non-users. One out of five drivers who use a cell phone while driving sees this activity as a major threat. The number of accidents caused by talking on a cell phone accounts for six and a half million a year. Female drivers are much more likely then male drivers to feel that cell phone use while driving is a major threat to their personal safety. There are many devices that now allow for "hands freeaE talking. Having your phone plugged into your car's stereo can still be a distraction. It is still undetermined whether using this method is a safer practice than using a handheld phones.
Driving without your lights on during dusk or while it is raining is another dangerous habit. Many people wait until the very las