The history of wine. Wine (English: France: vin; wine) is produced from grape juice merai an, but it might apply to beverages made from other fruit juices as well as wine, alcoholic beverages, which are caused by the fermentation of sugar in the grapes is broken down into two major types of white wine (White wine) or (vin blanc) and red wine (Red wine) or wine (vin rouge) that result from the mixture of two kinds of wines called wine, pink (Pink or Rosé wine) [Pink rosé meaning if used with the wine called vin rosé rosé is not required to call the] best wines that are compressed gas into it is called Monkey wine (Sparkling wine), sapak sparkling wine as champagne impersonation kling (Champagne)It is commonly accepted that the wine is a beverage that contains several thousand years. Ancient jar was found packed grape seed farm, which has more than 8,000 life counted as years before Christ, in the season from Iran have been found traces of a type of drink from the wine fermentation process in 7000 years before Christ. In the North of China in the era of ancient Egypt. Planting grapes to make wine with a very organized operation. Various gods Both mythology-o SI legendary River of Egypt O Hotel anhydrous gods Zeus green Roman or Gil. smoking khat check mail of Babylon are designed for the wine gods. In addition, wine is a symbol of the blood of the Lord Jesus, according to Christian beliefs. The wine has a very favorable change updates in the last two hundred years after. The Romans in the wine to mix flavors, spiciness with sea water before drinking a taste of wine, it is different from the current wine.In the 19th century, wine is treated as a routine drink is by hire workers to harvest crops wine to 6-8 litres per day, and the employer will pay the wine as part of labor. Because the water is clean enough to not to drink.
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