The impact on ecosystem
.When the temperature increases will give melting the polar ice When the ice melted down many amount of seawater in our world is higher. The result directly is flooded.For example, the Maldives. Bangkok, capital and our too
.The volume of water increases positively to higher temperatures result in the ecology of the ท้องทะเลเปลี่ยน. The aquatic animals of maladjusted, and die down.Due to the coral polyp that died due to adapt to the environment. But leave the white structures without life. What is different with the skeletons of dead creaturesIf there is no coral fish is to reduce the number of down. Some species may go extinct in the end
.Again the impact we see clearly, it is a natural disasters occur frequently. และรุนแรง more because of climate change. The short summer long, and when the temperature of the earth rises.Rainfall is higher amounts to cause flooding in many areas. On food and water is scarce. Because the crops grow more difficult due to climate change.
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