The second is the pharmacy and friends respectively according to their types as follows: smoking, alcohol, beer, students find
from shops, sleeping pills. Aspirin, fever, obtained from the pharmacy, hospital, marijuana, heroin, morphine, opium, cabin LSD.Find friends, volatile obtained from shops and เหล้าแห้ง obtained from pharmacy
3. Type drug use
.According to statistics, information addiction of the population. The treatment across the country. Type new patients found that children and youth, age group 10 - 19 years, substance use type, heroin, volatile
.Opium, marijuana, alcohol, and crazy, include 9 288 cases (report statistics information system project of the addiction 2538.). By the comparison between the year 2536 - the 2538 found a rate of heroin use
.The highest compared to other types of substance abuse by the highest the 2537
% 88.77 followed by a volatile substance, which in the 3 years utilization rate is volatile, and 12.77 7.39 8.96 respectively use rate of opium and cannabis tends to decrease a lot by the Opium decreased from (8.42 in 2536 left per cent 0.27 in 2538 and cannabis decreased from 3.45%% 1.36 in 2538 rate of liquor consumption has lower rates than percentage 1 and start rate of amphetamine adds up the 2538 (6.29. Drug users' all types!It is noteworthy that amphetamines began to spread more in the children and youth. As the information the research situation of methamphetamine use in schools. By the Department of Medical Sciences.From the urine, were 1183 750 cases, from 69 province showed that methamphetamine use 55 Province, or the percentage of central 79.71 by amphetamine use and most (2.08 province is the problem the ang thong. The drug in Education (primary,High school and Vocational Education) at 12.91 followed by 1 percent and Sukhothai and 7.4 6.7, respectively, and the other provinces found percent more than 5 including Lopburi, Ayutthaya, Kanchanaburi and Phitsanulok province (the object analysis of drugs. Department of medical 2538 - 2539)
4.The access to medical treatment and rehabilitation.
from report of prevent drugs. Office of the narcotics control board (NCB) concluded that the youth age group 15 - 19 years. In the school system and outside school. Which he received medical treatment all countries during the year 2536 - 2538 has increased by%
.2 per year as detailed and drugs by age
.Data presentation. Problems of drug use among children and youth, this time. Data is derived from the receiving treatment in hospital. But there is also a small youth use of drugs.Which is still a problem to help fix
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