He created the life of the child. When the child was born as a new member of the family. I started to prepare the future in waiting for? But I can't stop, He also weave development both mind and body as well as the intellectual growthAn intelligent, have had success in life and escape from misery disease
.You must have tasks to prepare for you. He provides you get new valuable experience. I work hard day by day. To have you to school. You comfortable. Even though you are tired of making money.When the child's happiness. He was the first teacher to point out the world wide and immunity. A teacher all the time, and for the rest of my life. I'll make love, understanding, loving care for you by the difficult to find by others.When I know you're having suffering father garnet suffer. He was the first person to understand you. You are to give light to you and keep the guidance to you. You must bear in the care of children.Pretty good, and character to the young by creating the atmosphere and environment in a house with a cheer, clean and orderly. Children learn by father assistant Dad to give them an opportunity to touch the relations.Dad's guide when you doubt, media quality, father to guide correctly to the child. To prevent the deterioration and risk of life. I always nurture cultivate.I would give anything to make you well. And success in life!
.Even though you don't say "love" to you but you know I love you so much. You are everything in my life, I'd tired, hurt, in my opinion, only wants to let other bye. He will be happy if you happy.I have the grace to you, you will never forget to appreciate him. Dad, you say, "ลูกรักพ่อ."
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