Flower pin strayingAt the beautiful flower garden is famous. Throughout the year, there will be more travelers come to explore the beauty of this garden never lack. It is because the owner of the garden and gardening hosted taengdokmai, a tree care with love making always fresh. The event is all roses, flowers, Tulip in rakre each of the two only serves to switch panes in yellow as well. Red, white, purple, beautiful eye traumaOne day, planting a flower, the needle was placed just in the garden was a little wonder. When tourists arrive in the Park, with a photo of beautiful flowers would have never come to take pictures with their past?Dok dok needle one. "here we see that there are people who transform into queue waiting for rose photography. Why is no one coming to interest us at all. We are a really valuable wireless flower. "Flower pin accessory ikdok "chai I think so is the same size, and then try to pamper it flowers waving, nobody came to take pictures of us at all of the little d" and then they took my flowers with the same needle less and envied by other flowers. Flower pin ikdok floor plan design ideas said. We asked them to help better and these bug flower pin in it agree with the masses that the insects, the insects to spawn at the Jade Garden, wooden design. If you agree, we will pin insects, flowers, delicious sweet water as a prize.They also agreed to accept the job because of the insect anyone know the nectar from the blossoms of the compass room. A pesticide they spawn at the flower garden throughout the day to pass the ball a little worm, 7 hatch from an egg at the same time, the flowers in the garden of thukdok these worms, worm has a bite to eat and grow flowers with hunger more quickly. The beautiful flower garden ever get back there, but in most cases the lack of flowers petals. Some trees to die. When an event is like this, there are no tourists coming to visit the Park. Lack of income, access to people for a long time, gardening, and closed down.When the doors of the Park closed permanently. Do not expose copious bloom in the garden is no longer only a flower, only there are no competitors, but no one came to visit the Park, as well. Up to now, all of you understand needle and flowers that they planned the assault others. It shall result in a terrorist comes to himself.This corresponds to the moral proverbs Thailand ", your suffering is suffering a" good children must, therefore, not bad idea to others.
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