Lao lifestyle simpler. I know it is not a luxury, not a lazy person, but a life with no hurry, do not covet most purchasing power is not high. There is little economic inequality tire purchase decision based on usability are important
food to eat. Lao cultural influences. French food is very reasonably But it is still a local restaurant. Main widespread popular The most popular meals at home if going out for dinner at a restaurant as a special occasion restaurant and eat in the middle to high. It also provides less
capital city, Vientiane, is being grown. Construction is more Especially among young people in the city following the fashion trend
of modern Thailand. Thailand's media influence to purchase goods and apparel, and health care have been achieved. More interested in people who have high purchasing power. Laos is not popular Hire Purchase Usually save cash Laos has a bad attitude with its money. Relax in
the consumer goods market, there are not many players to choose from. While the market has steadily increased its purchasing power, mainly from Thailand, China and Vietnam, but a product that consumers use consumer products that use the body and affect health. Lao trust in the quality and safety of its more popular products Thailand. China and Vietnam
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