Examples of countries that use the train of the ที่2.12.2-2. Description briefly as follows.France by French National Railways (SNCF) system 2x25kV AC 1-ph from study and use of agency found that system. AT system has the high reliability. , and is feasible in economics the most.- Germany by Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) or Germany Railway system 1x15 kV AC 1-ph that 16 2 / 3 Hz this system does not define a standard that suggest a new route. Because the old system used for a very long time. The network covers several thousand km, including related equipment can work well. It is still used up to the present.- Japan by Japanese National Railways (JNR) began to use the system system that uses the Auto transformer since the 1963. And used in 1970 as standard. Currently, approximately.60% of all 2x25kV system is divided into all directions for high speed trains.About 40% of Metro General.- India by Indian Railways (IR) began using the electrical system 1x25kV AC 1-ph since the 1956 until years 1986 when passenger train and railway transportation, there were more and more applications. It began to be used in the education system and 2x25kV route with use dense transport coal, ore, and iron, which use it as well. Since no needs development of new structure. So there is no extend this system happened in the past. But it was decided in the map to use the system 2x25kV route freight trains are performed.Thailand 1x25kV system AC 1-ph used only to present in the project Airport Rail Link due to a short run on viaducts. And the frequency of the bus, not much. However, if the project extended far. Must see the value. The necessity and technical components. To choose the proper use system By both systems that use together. No need to change.
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