Why it is important to grasp the medium for today's children. The media and communication technologies play an important role in our daily lives. To grasp the medium helps children and families aware of the intended use of all media and is not intended to communicate. Children will learn how to create and analyze about the media. We use the media in the form of 52 per cent of Smartphone media 5-8 years ago, we sent a message to talk all day, but in the template, Italy holidays. The Academy States that the children spend with media, more than any other activity. A strong relationship between exposure to media violence and aggressive behavior, drug use and sexual activity increased in the National Council of children's advertising program, children's advertising review governing consideration, regardless of the standard of children's vulnerability. Where all the media is controlled by 5 บรัษัทหลักๆ and media intrusion in everyday life. If the ability to create and analyze media messages has been developing these skills will provide sustainable results for children, and the media is a powerful tool for teaching and learning. When applied to a sample.
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