The importance of human resources development When it comes to "resource" we are familiar with what non-life, such as forests, minerals, water sources. Those things we cannot see."Precious". And the benefit is necessary, causing an abundance. At the same time. If we are talking about the "people" that are often not visible.As a resource, or see the "value". In fact, "people" is the maximum potential and as an important resource.1. Why is the development of human resources. The present social economic changes in the world with high dynamic. Technological progress is the best one.Need to develop human resources, to be prepared for prosperity to occur in the future. The cornerstone of theThe development of human resources is to provide knowledge and technical experience. Training of modern knowledge, includingMoral and ethical conduct in parallel, for example, a person with knowledge of the discipline must be trained to work in parallel.2. improve the quality of life To improve the quality of life is the Foundation of a person's life. By providing training, knowledge of theIntegrity promoting health careers to share in the social pleasure. Thailand has been in the country.Create a benchmark of quality of life. The main target is to "improve the quality of life," is to have the ability to. "Self-reliance".
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