1 bed, drowsy at all: as soon as your body feels lethargic, but I'd like to play the following interfaces. Requests that do not lie with a woman, suggested that it should be important to sleep, at least 4 hours or more per day, because it is the amount of time that your body gets the right amount of relaxation.2 small exercises to wake up: some people wake up and pick up the pup Czech mobile, Facebook before. Take light exercise before? Hotel มอัพ nawo hands your body awake, but never reached the 100-metre sprint stages or serious fitness. Just a little witphuen or erection is enough, and then it all day you will be refreshed than ever.3 eat foods that are more awsome night benefits: brain fatigue, we even want to eat foods that nourish the brain, there diet lean cows (Choline) help prevent memory. Found in soybean, egg yolk and white meat like chicken breast meat, fish tofu, and egg white, which helps create ' brain chemistry ' which is necessary for the person who sleeps late egg yolk contains biotin (Biotin) helps nourish brain and mad cleared (GABA) in the brain that makes it work well. Available in khaoklongngok and cereals, as well as vitamin b which helps to stimulate the nervous system and the brain is awake to drink lots and lots of water, because late night sleep brain dehydration which is the brain that needs water to most nurtured.4. to abstain from coffee: suppose that the job is not finished. Don't solve the problem by drinking black coffee, drinking chocolate or cocoa, but rather because in cocoa has a ' fla ' noi Wole (Flavonoid) substances that stimulate blood flow to the brain and there are no กาเฟอีน.5 eat vitamin cure stress: we guard the sleep hormone levels from the pineal gland (Pineal Gland) is not working normally, causing stress, he continued, is a funny guy, but how the body, it should be stressed, there diet, vitamin b and vitamin c. If you woke up this morning to eat Brown rice, vegetables and fresh-squeezed fruit juice drink, eat and live better every day.
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