Western (1993) has an improved definition of The ecotourism Ecotourism Society,Short and compact, but with a more complete meaning is "travelling responsible natural resources which have environmental protection and makes the lives of the local people to perform better," he said.The Common Wealth Department of Tourism (1994) provided the definition of ecotourism is.Natural tourist covered the education to understand the essence of nature, environment and management in order to maintain a sustainable ecosystem, the term natural environment also covers local assimilated. Best word to maintain the ecological, economic, refers to "the various benefits are allocated back to local communities and conservation of natural resources," he said.Free medical butsakon (2538 (1995)), definition of "ecotourism tourism that has responsibility for natural attractions and social environment, which includes the culture of the local community. As well as ancient artifacts exist in the locality. "Forestry Department (2548 (2005)), the meaning of ecotourism as "one of the forms of tourism related to the natural and cultural sights are responsible without causing disturbance or damage to natural resources and the environment, but with purpose, strive to appreciate education, learn and enjoy the scenery, wildlife and vegetation, as well as cultural characteristics that appear in nature, it also helps create economic opportunities as a result, conservation of natural resources.Environment and community as well. "in summary, first note the meaning of eco-tourism, which comes from the terms and meaning of the word" Ecotourism "is based on a professional basis and the purpose of each person or organization, which in Thai language, also called the" ecotourism ", but in the end, Raj banthityotthan. determine Ecotourism that terminology" ecotourism "considerations is the meaning of eco-tourism, almost all above the tolerance that ecotourism is just one model of sustainable tourism (sustainable tourism) that is.Its own effects and differ from other forms of tourism:1. ecotourism is nature-based tourism as a base (nature-based tourism).Island Forest Park Park type attractions, the rapids and the beach is but a.Arts and culture, history and way of life of the local people. If these appear in or associated with theNatural ecosystemsEcotourism. tourism is causing minimal ecological impact or under it?Influence of local culture and natural way to induce change in negative.Because the cha ป้. Data security and control of the impact caused by tourism, it lies at the heart of the Administration.Such management is focused on quantity of tourists. Does not support the development of the facility than necessary.Focusing on the nature and the elements of nature as an appeal, etc.3. the ecotourism as a tourist attraction allowing visitors to discover. Learn and understand.Nature and natural elements (including arts and culture, history and way of life of the local people)As well as the impact of humans on ecosystems so that visitors have a positive environmental behaviour.Therefore, to organize information and descriptive in nature, as well as to increase the potential of.Tour guide, so it is important the order.
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