One afternoon in 1943, a farmer in Paricutin, Mexico, went to his cornfield. In the cornfield, he saw something unusual. It was a hole in the ground with smoke coming out of it. The next day, there was a 10-meter hill in the same place. Rocks were flying from the hilltop, and lava flowing down its sides. After one year, the hill was 450 meters high, and it continued to erupt. The farmer was amazed, and frightened, too. He was watching the birth of a volcano.
The formation of volcanoes
ผลลัพธ์ (
แอฟริกา) 1:
Een middag in 1943, 'n boer in Paricutin, Mexiko, het na sy koringland. In die koringland, sien hy iets vreemds. Dit was 'n gat in die grond met rook daaruit. Die volgende dag was daar 'n 10-meter heuwel op dieselfde plek. Rocks vlieg uit die heuwel, en lawa vloei af sy kante. Na 'n jaar, teen die heuwel was 450 meter hoog, en dit het voortgegaan om uitbars. Die boer was verbaas en bang ook. Hy kyk na die geboorte van 'n vulkaan.
Die vorming van Vulkane.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..