Culture and society click this icon to hear the preceding term pronounced are not the same thing. While cultures are complexes. Of learned behavior patterns and perceptions societies are, groups of interacting organisms. People are not the only animals. That have societies. Schools of fish flocks of, birds and hives, of bees are societies. In the case of humans however,,, Societies are groups of people who directly or indirectly interact with each other. People in human societies also generally. Perceive that their society is distinct from other societies in terms of shared traditions and expectations.While human societies and cultures are not the same thing they are, inextricably connected because culture is created and. Transmitted to others in a society. Cultures are not the product of lone individuals. They are the continuously evolving. Products of people interacting with each other. Cultural patterns such as language and politics make no sense except in. Terms of the interaction of people. If you were the only human, on earth there would be no need for language or government.
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