Welcome to be our one Ford Team
I’ve sent the thirteen attachment :- The firth one is “ Starter Pack: Ford Onboarding Handbook”, this handbook is the part of our onboarding program. We hope you understand more about our company as following items:-
- Ford On boarding Program Overview
- FTM Vision
- Ford Motor Company Overview
- Ford History
- Ford Motor Company (Thailand) Overview
- Ford Manufacturing Management Team
- Ford Products in Thailand
- Map to FTM Plant and Address
- Location nearby Ford Manufacturing Rayong
- Onboarding Program Team Contact
- List of apartment for rent
- Suggestions
- Know more about the company and Onboarding Program
- E-Learning /Online Resource Catalogue
The second is “route bus of FTM”. Please check your route from your home to FTM as attachment.
The third is “2013 and 2014 FTM Working Calendar”.
The fourth is Manual for method put information on document form of new comer.
The fifth is Checklist for document required for your first working day at FTM, please kindly prepare only documents with white cycle.
The remain document is “document for new comer” Please print out and fill out all concerned documents through attachment. You able to refer how to fill those document through manual.
During this time before start working, our HR Service team will direct contact you for transportation to plant.
Please bring all concerned documents with full filled out follow by the check list on work start date
Remark: For your personal document such as copy of ID, house registration etc, please certified and sign on all documents.