La activity According to the Labor Protection Act 2541 (1998) Section 34 is defined that. "Employees are entitled to leave an errand needed according to regulations about work." The La La purpose mean to make an errand that employees cannot perform on holidays, for example, to make the ID card. Contact the public authority or reason to travel that cannot be postponed or avoided. Leave an The law did not define the criteria and conditions. Law, regulations on work. So, it's an ass must be considered according to the criteria and conditions that the employer is defined by regulations or by-laws, there may be some la defined specifically, mandatory and compliance with regulations. La activity The law does not define. The story pay so no rights employee holed ass paid for La (in force for employees) section employees monthly. Entitled to receive pay for holidays already anyway, so employers are going to pay are deducted for that purpose did not leave. Some may contain agreements on employment conditions. Defined on a donkey can enforce and comply with the conditions for that wage agreements, for example, some may agree, that no more than one year, almost 6 days leave work without paid leave, meaning that almost 6 days of paid work. The problem is that if employees leave finish date exceeds 6. There is a problem or not, or whether that La La but not paid. A good example of this case, I want to see interpretation may differ. Therefore, if it is defined in this manner, should take a look at the traditions of each of the operating companies that past practice? Is the intent to set regulations on how some may refer to an annual leave of not more than 6 days have been worked and paid for at the La is not exceeded. But some may refer to paid leave of 6 activity by working day. Part 6 for excess leave but not paid, etc.Never have people ask them several times that weekend, according to the doctor the doctor is sick or special leave. In this case, you want the event to Beijing's intention of the law is that Java sick leave means leave due to illness, fever, not able to come to work as usual, mostly no one knows in advance that ourselves are sick when they are. Best la employee activity is subject to an errand in advance need to leave. All appearances If the event is the main intent of the law's Java-based treat the employee in advance and go to the doctor by appointment may not be caused by the illness. Symptoms may be gone for good or better able to work normally, but I need to see a doctor by appointment to view or more symptoms. If this is not considered to be official resignation due to illness. Not sick But if the illness is not yet lost. Need to take a break and have to go to medical treatment. This is also considered to have the illness exists. It is a sick leave. สรุปง่าย ๆ คือ มีอาการป่วย จนไม่สามารถมาทำงานตามปกติได้ และต้องหยุดเนื่อจากอาการเจ็บป่วยนั้น ๆ เป็นลาป่วย หากหมอนัด แต่ช่วงวันเวลาที่หมอนัดนั้น พนักงานมีอาการป่วยดีขึ้น และมาทำงานตามปกติได้แล้ว แต่ลาไปเพื่อพบหมอตามนัด ถือเป็นการลากิจ
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