thou hast brought a large body of the Buddha that he had stored in his own sacrifice up to 13 years, and we put it here and he prayed with the auspicious elephants at risk to oracles where to place enough Elephant Walk celebration at up to the top of Doi Suthep.With Thaksin Shinawatra Tower, three times, and then he fell down and he therefore, dig deep 6 8 cubits, and the breadth, twenty cubits and 3 large stone altar altar 6, it is a large chest in the hole, and then invite the relics enshrined in the rock and then cover.5 on the cover of a Buddhist to worship, and therefore do not wear shoes in the area, and that women in the area. In the year.dead.In 2081 the lord of the pollen king King at 12. Please add to the chedi, the higher is a width of 6, 11 cubits high, and it was made of gold in the shape of the lotus on top of a chedi and later, sandy Tao ye wordIn the year B.E.2100 the Great Spirit, the auspicious Pho อโศ Lamphun city has created stairway Highway 2 both sides so that the people went to worship more convenient and, even when I was a teacher of Cuba Sri Wichai Road you have created by the road construction is a length up to 11.53 Km away is a temple very loud
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