1. What subject you enjoyed and was good at, your favorite techer etc?
I like to research the research because it made me get the exotic knowledge and creates a concept for beneficial research.
during the past.I have had the opportunity to participate in the research work, while studying with master teachers with high knowledge, that is, my own Advisor. The research that I do have the difficulty and challenge.
.So she'll advising, encouraging and generous throughout, since it is
. research by the exotic in the handling of hazardous waste. and finally, it ended very well with the research that has been in a very good level.
.Another one of my pride and become extremely advisors cha
2 Which you have travelled to places. and Why you like these places?
Any interesting stories about yourself. 3 or your family? 4 What
Present and/or study work. are you doing?
.I work as an environmental officer at the Department of pollution control. is responsible for analyzing environmental samples such as soil and water pollution, etc. like you do
5.What do in your free time?
.I like doing many things in their spare time, for example, watch movies, listen to music, watering trees. Bathing a dog who likes to make
.-for the most often is to play the Internet because it is fun and can relax
if I play the Internet until bored, then I usually like
.Many types of reading because it makes me get knowledge in various aspects of
. 6 What do you like and dislike.?
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