On behalf of the Corporation of Washington's oifin Services Ltd "in here, called the company" hereby inform you that we are trying to contact you the least mobile mat small earthen cistern 85-3 months period as 867667 did not come to work sick due date from. 30 days according to the law and take annual vacations days until a month or more. May you not contact the company small earthen cistern company, trying to coordinate to the head Chief, it contacted did not, and the company has sent a letter to the address register, now applying for a job, so you come back, but it was small earthen cistern could not be contacted. The inquiry into "mobile number 84-9091913 through his wife, could not be contacted for many months, according to the rules, if a company employee is fully sick. Every 30 days and is used for one. Employees must submit to a medical certificate, leave add and makrok an ass does not receive a salary but back page kachoei. The way human resources consulting workers! Labor officials, said an employee advice as the company notified considered abandoned his duty to do so affect the employer the employer by the lack of people in these positions work. Abandon responsible for violation of the rules and regulations the company is little carpet, Mr. small earthen cistern command passed from being a State employee. No need to pay compensation.
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