How to clone embryos 1 concatenated The larvae cut into 2 equal parts and apply to transfer to the receiver. Be able to produce identical twins, the second from a single embryo. In embryo splitting requires specialized tools to perform is a micromanipulator. And use very thin glass pipette (holding pipette) to suction embryo. Then use a small needle (Microneedle) to divide the embryo. Alternatively, use a small knife (microblade) to be concatenated. embryo may divide the morula stage embryos or Stoke C. Relationship. When cut, then transfer the animal to get. In a split embryo, it must divide the embryo into two parts, the symmetry (symmetry) fit, especially the inner cell mass (inner cell mass), which in Stoke C. can. seen Morula stage, but may be concatenated, not the fact, because it is not symmetric inner cell mass. 2 nuclear transfer Cloning by nuclear transfer may take nuclei from embryonic cells called embryo cloning Nick cells (embryonic cell cloning), or the cell body (somstic cell) called somatic cell cloning (somatic cell clonig).
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