ประวัติภาษาอังกฤษChocolate discovered two thousand years ago. After th การแปล - ประวัติภาษาอังกฤษChocolate discovered two thousand years ago. After th คาตาลัน วิธีการพูด

ประวัติภาษาอังกฤษChocolate discover

Chocolate discovered two thousand years ago. After the Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. The output from the seeds of Cacau (cacao) in the rain forests of South America. Organized in clans Theobroma cacao means ” food of the gods ” .
Chocolate is the first known civilization in Mexico . And Central America Minorities , including the Maya and the Aztec civilization of Mesoamerica . These men Cacau seeds were ground and mixed with various kinds to make a drink with a bitter , astringent taste . In addition to cooking , chocolate is also associated with the religious and social life .
The Maya (AD 250-900 ) was the first clear evidence that people have discovered the secret of the Academy Council . They have taken the values ​​he came from the rainforest and planted them in the garden behind the house. I kept the seeds out the pods are fermented , roasted and ground into a somewhat sticky texture . I took tea as a drink mixed with water . Sprinkle with pepper corn It is a chocolate drink flavored sparkling bubbles .
Later, around the 14th century Kingdom of the Aztec civilization, occupied most of Mesoamerica . Its capital is the city now known as Mexico City the Aztec ‘s stock seed value for county Mayas and other peoples . And also charge the tribute of their citizens and county prisoners as a seed value . Using the money instead The popular Aztec chocolate bitters as well as the early Maya . By the synthesizer cooked with spices. People of Mesoamerica those days, no one planted with sugar cane , it is not well.
Said that the Maya Classic period like drinking chocolate in special session . While those buffoons are very popular drink . Part of the Aztec The high level military rulers and merchants who championed only with the tasted this divine drink . Chocolate roles in the royal and religious ceremonies . Because the seeds Cacau tribute gods. And drinking in key ceremony
For the source of chocolate, is also not explained clearly . However, there are two possibilities . The first is the shift from the term ” dark elf e ” in Maya , which means to drink chocolate together. Another explanation is probably derived from the Maya as well is “chocol” means the hot mixture with the word “atl” of the Aztec word for water, when added together , thus becoming the chocolatl and a . chocolate later in Europe
The beliefs of the ash Steak House . Mexico ” Cocoa beans are the food that God gave to a passport to Paradise” about 4,000 years ago , in which they bring cocoa beans to make a drink that is. ” Water for Chocolate ” Later, Mr Irvine Terminal Court Tej Spanish explorers sailed to meet the ash Steak House . Where he had lived with the Spoon Ash and co drink chocolate together. Court and Mr. Beauchamp has brought cocoa beans back to the country to try the drinks too. And additions to sweeten up the taste of the drink popular in Spain and in the end Mr. Conrad J. Van Houten tents Dutch have discovered how to make chocolate bars , tablets, and powders.
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ผลลัพธ์ (คาตาลัน) 1: [สำเนา]
Biografia en anglès.Xocolata descobert fa dos mil anys. després la reina Cleòpatra de Egipte. la sortida de les llavors de Cacau (cacau) a les selves pluvials de Sud-Amèrica. organitzat en Theobroma cacau clans significa "aliment dels déus".Xocolata és la primera civilització coneguda a Mèxic. I minories de Centreamèrica, incloent-hi els maies i la civilització asteca de Mesoamèrica. aquests homes les llavors de Cacau molien i barrejat amb diversos tipus de fer una beguda amb un sabor amarg i astringent,. a més de cuina, xocolata també està associada amb la vida social i religiosa.El maia (250 AD-900) va ser la primera evidència clara que persones haguessin descobert el secret de l'Acadèmia Ajuntament. han pres els valors va arribar de la Selva i plantar-los en el jardí darrera la casa. em vaig quedar amb les llavors de les beines són fermentats, torrat i mòlt en una textura una mica enganxosa. prenia te com una beguda barrejada amb aigua. Espolvorejar amb blat de moro pebre és una beguda de xocolata aromatitzada escumós de bombolles.Més tard, al voltant del segle XIV Unit de la civilització asteca, va ocupar la majoria de Mesoamèrica. la seva capital és la ciutat ara coneguda com a ciutat de Mèxic valor existències llavor de l'asteca, Comtat Mayas i altres pobles. I també carregar l'homenatge dels seus ciutadans i Comtat presos com a valor de llavor. utilitzant els diners en canvi el amargs asteca xocolata populars, així com els principis Maya. pel sintetitzador cuinat amb espècies. gent de Mesoamèrica aquells dies, ningú plantades amb canya de sucre, no és així.Va dir que el període clàssic Maya com beure xocolata en sessió especial. mentre aquells bufons són molt popular beguda. Part de l'asteca les alt nivells militars governants i comerciants que defensat només amb la provat això divina beguda. xocolata rols en les cerimònies religioses i royal. perquè les llavors de Cacau homenatge déus. I beure en cerimònia clauPer la font de xocolata, és també no explicar clarament. Tanmateix, hi ha dues possibilitats. el primer és el canvi del terme "dark elf e" a Maya, que significa a beure xocolata junts. una altra explicació és probablement derivat de la Maya, així és "chocol" significa la barreja escalfa amb la paraula "atl" de la paraula asteca per l'aigua, quan afegeix junts, convertint-se així en la chocolatl i a. xocolata més tard a EuropaLes creences de la cendra argenti. Mèxic "Cacau mongetes són l'aliment que Déu donava a un passaport al paradís" fa 4.000 anys, en què porten els grans de cacau per fer una copa que és "Aigua de xocolata" més tard, exploradors Senyor Irvine Terminal cort Tej espanyol navegat per satisfer la cendra argenti. on havia viscut amb la xocolata beguda cullera cendra i co junts. pista i Sr. Beauchamp ha portat grans de cacau al país per tractar les begudes també. I addicions per endolcir el gust de la beguda popular a Espanya i al final el Sr. Conrad J. Van Houten tendes holandès han descobert com fer rajoles de xocolata, pastilles i en pols.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (คาตาลัน) 2:[สำเนา]
Chocolate discovered two thousand years ago. After the Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. The output from the seeds of Cacau (cacao) in the rain forests of South America. Organized in clans Theobroma cacao means ” food of the gods ” .
Chocolate is the first known civilization in Mexico . And Central America Minorities , including the Maya and the Aztec civilization of Mesoamerica . These men Cacau seeds were ground and mixed with various kinds to make a drink with a bitter , astringent taste . In addition to cooking , chocolate is also associated with the religious and social life .
The Maya (AD 250-900 ) was the first clear evidence that people have discovered the secret of the Academy Council . They have taken the values ​​he came from the rainforest and planted them in the garden behind the house. I kept the seeds out the pods are fermented , roasted and ground into a somewhat sticky texture . I took tea as a drink mixed with water . Sprinkle with pepper corn It is a chocolate drink flavored sparkling bubbles .
Later, around the 14th century Kingdom of the Aztec civilization, occupied most of Mesoamerica . Its capital is the city now known as Mexico City the Aztec ‘s stock seed value for county Mayas and other peoples . And also charge the tribute of their citizens and county prisoners as a seed value . Using the money instead The popular Aztec chocolate bitters as well as the early Maya . By the synthesizer cooked with spices. People of Mesoamerica those days, no one planted with sugar cane , it is not well.
Said that the Maya Classic period like drinking chocolate in special session . While those buffoons are very popular drink . Part of the Aztec The high level military rulers and merchants who championed only with the tasted this divine drink . Chocolate roles in the royal and religious ceremonies . Because the seeds Cacau tribute gods. And drinking in key ceremony
For the source of chocolate, is also not explained clearly . However, there are two possibilities . The first is the shift from the term ” dark elf e ” in Maya , which means to drink chocolate together. Another explanation is probably derived from the Maya as well is “chocol” means the hot mixture with the word “atl” of the Aztec word for water, when added together , thus becoming the chocolatl and a . chocolate later in Europe
The beliefs of the ash Steak House . Mexico ” Cocoa beans are the food that God gave to a passport to Paradise” about 4,000 years ago , in which they bring cocoa beans to make a drink that is. ” Water for Chocolate ” Later, Mr Irvine Terminal Court Tej Spanish explorers sailed to meet the ash Steak House . Where he had lived with the Spoon Ash and co drink chocolate together. Court and Mr. Beauchamp has brought cocoa beans back to the country to try the drinks too. And additions to sweeten up the taste of the drink popular in Spain and in the end Mr. Conrad J. Van Houten tents Dutch have discovered how to make chocolate bars , tablets, and powders.
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