A Login to access the system) menu Planning-FAB-FAB > Milestones Certificate (3)B FAB can find Milestones) Certificate (3) old ever recorded by Major Task and Project criteria must be specified before the Project, and then select the data to be displayed when a Revision of the Certificate No. FAB Milestones (3) in the system, all of which are listed in the Dropdown List, select 4 to Burbank as a disclaimer in the. Search for old data you want, and then press the "Search" button.-Displays the message "Data not found" when information could not be found.-The data is displayed in the Field at 5: Date Approved and Prepared By: 6 If you find old data if no display blank.-Display data in a table, press the button "Search" and if found, and according to the specified Sort spec.C) when the system is started, because the data view for this Major Task in Project-level, so when the system starts the first find incoming User will be unable to find the old system will, therefore, the default value of the data Item is a different Option under the Major Task and identify progress as all three Millstones that are defined, then the system will indicate the date that everything is present before the first time and when this Plan will save the User is considered to be old data to find up to continue editing.Update/Revision d) Approve Certificate Milestones FAB (3) by pressing display Confirmation Message and Approve, "Are you sure to approve this Revision."-Button "Approve" update revision, as well as recording and data Plan, as user has resolved to.
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