Belief that exists in agriculture will be infused with the teachings. Both intentionally and unintentionally set faith means. Thinking process, action of party feeling or emotion rather than reason, a set of beliefs.Attitude, personality, life, way of thinking and problem solving, which resulted from the action level สติปัญหา Education Parenting, economic status and social
.Culture and belief system in Thai society
.The belief system will include religion and belief in the doctrine, religion, in the broad sense, is the worship or relationship building good relations between human and divine power;From the perspective of anthropology can signify religious implies expanding social relations of human to relations with the holy thing which had power over the human and nature.(rank peace treasure,2537:214) religion may be classified as abstract culture on cultural construction in concrete. Understanding the religious culture is linked to avoid difficult. The first one religion and trust the origin of fear.And suspicion in the various phenomena occurring around humans in ancient times, humans live in the midst of a natural phenomenon that humans cannot understand. Whether it is a dark, light, heat, cold, storm.
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